Andrew Krause

Andrew Krause

Digital Marketing Specialist

As the Digital Marketing Specialist, Andrew spends most of his time preparing email campaigns, planning out social media posts, creating digital ads, making website updates, and reviewing analytics reports. He analyzes data from past marketing campaigns and uses that information to improve future campaigns. Andrew plays a major role in promoting our educational content, which helps our clients to stay up to date with industry trends and grow their practice in the process. He also supports the Marketing team by reviewing public-facing materials and assisting with efficiency and communication whenever possible.

Andrew graduated from Marian University with a Bachelor of Business Administration in Marketing and minors in Communication and Information Technology. He has previous experience working in digital marketing, specifically with email and social media marketing. He helped launch a successful marketing program for a regional retailer, which improved his understanding of the technical and creative aspects of digital marketing campaigns. Andrew is able to use this knowledge and expertise in his current role to help improve the marketing efforts of our company.

Andrew’s strong attention to detail, dedication, and intuition are just a few of the skills he brings to his job. He values honesty, open-mindedness, and humility in everything he does, and he appreciates being able to promote products and services that are designed to meet people’s needs.

Although he has a familiar name, Andrew is of no relation to Dale or Tom, though he is excited to be a part of this Krause team. Outside of work, he enjoys hiking, biking, traveling, and spending time with his family and their Shih Tzu, Ruby. Andrew also likes playing the trumpet and listening to music.

Meet Other Members of the Marketing Team

Amy Beacham, MBA
Katie Camann
Brandon Erieau
Abby Frank, MBA
Bri Hemby
Trisha Lor
Nika Smith
Katy Sturm
Katie Turner
Brian Vogel
Jim Wolverton, J.D.