Strong Relationships Build Your Business

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La Rae Mills, LTCP
La Rae Mills, LTCP July 12, 2024

La Rae provides leadership to the Insurance Operations team and oversees the creation and management of processes and compliance for the team. She also leads the Medicare segment of the business. La Rae works closely with carriers and agents to ensure we’re in compliance and working as efficiently as possible.

“You don’t build a business, you build people, and then those people build the business.”

– Zig Ziglar

A common question agents ask is, “How can I build my business?” And this question is usually followed by, “Do you have leads?” While there is a place for leads within the insurance industry, the key to building a successful business is developing strong relationships with the right people. Over time, investing in these relationships and focusing on referrals will prove to be fruitful for your business.

However, it’s important to remember that developing relationships takes time. While you may know within the first few minutes of meeting someone that they’re someone you’d like to build a professional connection with, it will take additional meetings and time together to develop a level of trust with them.

Go beyond simply handing out your business card and telling people to either reach out to you or tell their friends/clients to call you for their insurance needs. Additionally, be careful not to see people as a project or build relationships as a means to an end. Invest your time and energy into them.

If you struggle with developing relationships, there are many business resources available to assist you in developing your skills. Some authors you may want to check out are Zig Ziglar, Dale Carnegie, Stephen Covey, and Seth Godin.

Read More: How to Get Leads for Your Business

Where to Find the Right People

  • Chamber of Commerce or business groups
  • Child or grandchild sporting (and other) events
  • Religious groups, such as a church, synagogue, etc.
  • Community groups and clubs
  • Conferences, seminars, and training events
  • Local leaders
  • Family and friends
  • Gym

If you invest time into building your business, it will grow. If you want to discuss ideas, feel free to reach out to our team.

“Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can.”

– Arthur Ashe