REGISTER: Breaking Down Common MCA Strategies and Best Practices
September 17, 2024 | 2:00PM CDT
Considering adding Medicaid Compliant Annuities to your business? Or do you need a refresher on the strategies and options available to your clients? We’ve got you covered!
Join Sales Manager Nate Ziolkowski as he dives into the intricacies of MCAs, sharing insights on our most effective planning strategies. This webinar will cover the best practices for structuring and timing the annuity process, key considerations for selecting the annuity term, and provide a practical breakdown of beneficiary requirements.
In addition, Nate will address:
- Special considerations when your client owns an IRA
- Real-life case studies for both single and married clients
- The financial impact of using an MCA
- Common pitfalls to avoid when structuring MCAs
Plus, take advantage of a live Q&A session where you can get answers to your specific questions. Register now!
Nate Ziolkowski
Sales Manager
Nate joined our team in 2018 as a Benefits Planner prior to taking on his current role. As Sales Manager, Nate regularly works with agents and advisors on planning strategies for their senior clients. He is enthusiastic about long-term care planning products and often comes up with creative solutions to challenging circumstances. Nate attended the University of Wisconsin—Green Bay and calls northern Wisconsin home. Outside of work, he enjoys spending time with his wife and three boys.
Enjoy over 30 previous episodes of eAcademy on topics ranging from crisis Medicaid planning strategies to successful for elder law attorneys.